Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Children and their behaviour

Dear reader,
the Children's museum that we visited today is completely different to normal museums. The main difference is the way the visitors are being informed. In a normal museum there are many area's with text to read, so that you can inform yourself. In the Children's museum it was more the style like "learning by doing" since there were many area's for children where they learn for example the way of how water works by playing with little boats in the watertrack there.
The curators made everything (as far as possible) understandable for children. There isn't a lot of text because children won't read it anyway. Most of the items and possibilities to play explain themself by using them, that makes it very easy for children to learn there just by doing what they like to.
A part in the museum that was quite bad built was the "ball area", where children could play with balls. It was possible to put them on band which raises the balls to a higher stage and bags where balls can be put in. All in all I saw more parents "playing" there, since it was hardly understandable for a little child how everything works.
The way of "learning by doing" is the most effective one I suppose, since children do what they like and learning is just a coproduct. I guess no child likes to learn in classes, since it is not that funny. In the museum they aren't forced to anything and if they don't like an area they just move over to the next one they like better. To me this is the most effective way to teach children for example physical conditions, and to help them understand our world.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis,

    I agree with your observation about the ball room. I had problems understanding what each activity was about myself! Did you see any of the children become frustrated?

    See you soon,
