Friday, September 4, 2009

Learning in general

Dear reader,
The knowledge we are learning here is about grammar and vocabulary but the main point for me is culture. And culture includes for example having barbecues in the evenings and also simply having a party here. I am really glad that we have some great as they would say "Betreuer" that really teach us how life is beside school.
Thinking about how I learned English at home makes me quite sad because there are some years of learning that are just useless! I picked English major course for my last 2 years in school. My English has improved in this time but nevertheless I think that many things we learned are just useless! For example we never learned something about informal language which is very important as I immediately noticed after arriving here! People here just don't speak like we did in classes in Germany and that is not the sense of learning a language to me.
As I already mentioned the greatest knowledge I got here is just experiencing the way of life here. All in all the trip was great and beside learning "only" English I really got a taste of how life here can be and that's what makes me confident. English is a language like every other language, but getting how people live here is a knowledge that nobody can teach you. It's all about experience!

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